miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

Mis gatos.

Dragon Ball Z - Cell Fight Music Theme

Dragon Ball Z - Cell Fight Music Theme
Mis twitter @Ilegatvs @MarcvsCaesarion @Carabas753

Soy el Marqués de Carabás en twitter...

Mis criaturas mágicas favoritas de duelo de monstruos.

El Mago Oscuro, El Dragón Negro de Ojos Rojos, y El Dragón Blanco de Ojos Azules.

Mis digimons favoritos. Poyomon, Tokomon, Patamon, Pegasusmon, Angemon, Magnaangemon, Seraphimon, y Shakkoumon.

Mis pokémon favoritos. Alakazam, Aerodactyl, Meganium, Gengar, Umbreon, Electivire, Dragonite, Gyarados, Salamance y Typhlosion.

Marcos Andrés Barros Ketterer. Escritor, artista y pintor chileno.

sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2017

pennmuseum/ Great Battles: "Was there a Trojan War?" Recent Excavations at Troy.

Was there a Trojan War? Assessing the Evidence from Recent Excavations at Troy
In the course of the latest campaign of excavations at Troy, in northwestern Turkey, archaeologists have uncovered a wealth of evidence that enables us to situate the site within the political and military history of the late Bronze Age (14th/13th centuries BCE). Dr. C. Brian Rose, Curator, Mediterranean Section, Penn Museum, speaks at this "Great Battles: Moments in Time that Changed History" series lecture program.