sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

"What do we mean when we say 'antisemitism'?"

Publicado el 21/11/2013
"What do we mean when we say 'antisemitism'?"
Keynote Lecture by Brian Klug on 8 November 2013

A precise definition of antisemitism is highly disputed and often sparks heated and polemic debate. British philosopher Brian Klug discusses possibilities to identify antisemitism and traces and positions of various discourses.

The lecture was part of the conference "Antisemitism in Europe Today -- the Phenomena, the Conflicts" which was organized by the Jewish Museum Berlin, the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, and Future and the Center for Research on Antisemitism at the Technische Universität Berlin.

For further information visit the website of the Jewish Museum Berlin: http://bit.ly/17IlYyW

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